Saturday, September 29, 2007

Bloglines begone!

Well I came, I set up a bloglines account and then I left, never to return. At first I thought the idea could be interesting, but to be honest I like browsing different news sources and I think I like the idea that I can always happen upon something that I didn't know I'd be interested in. Getting your news filtered for you seems a bit too restrictive. Plus I'm something of a news junkie and even I feel that there is a point where I need to draw the line. I read The Age before work, The Australian at lunchtime, I have automatic breaking news updates delivered to my mobile throughout the day, the New York Times headlines waiting for me in my inbox when I get home. Then I'll usually check usually check The Age, Sydney Morning Herald and if there's anything particularly interesting going on up north, The Brisbane Times online at some point during the evening. There is a point where enough is enough and I think I passed it a while ago. Am I informed? Well I know a lot about Paris Hilton's jail time...

In Bloglines defence while searching for library related news I did come up with this article which really is a great idea.

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