Friday, October 26, 2007

Well as you guys probably know already I won a prize for my blog which was very nice of the Learning 2.0 people. Sadly it was a pair of non-adjustable headphones that are supposed to wrap around the back of your neck but actually don't fit my head and kind of smoosh your ears in a way that ears probably shouldn't be smooshed. Someone clearly has a very strange idea of what shape a normal head is. Either that or my head is an irregular size/shape, also quite possible. I can't help wondering if this is the universe getting back at me for not actually listening to all of the instructional podcasts quite as thoroughly as I was meant to - by giving me a prize that prevents me from listening to them at all. Especially since I won an 'encouragement' award (I swear I'm not making that up.) So Maryka, you were right. Apparently it isn't possible to top the fab headphones that Shaun gave us for this project. It wasn't a complete loss though, I did get a nifty certificate (available for viewing on request- no touching!) and my friend Adam laughed until he cried.

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