Thursday, October 4, 2007


OMG I found a Lenore animated cartoon, I'm so excited! It does seem to lose something, a certain je ne sais quoi in the transition, but it's very faithful to the original so I don't really mind. Oh, by the way that's Lenore the cute little dead girl based on the comics of Roman Dirge for those of you who don't know.
For the full list there is a link in my favourites - just click on the icon on the right there for that and other cool stuff.
Labels: Lenore

1 comment:

lib_idol said...

Hi! I'm flattered that you've linked to my blog... but I've been doing my head in trying to work out who you are?!?

I've managed to deduce that:
- You live in Melbourne, and therefore I might know you through countless friends networks from the last 28 years that I lived there.
- You're either a librarian, studying to be a librarian, or just obsessed with librarians, so I might know you through ALIA circles.
- In your current reading, you have Gaiman and Fforde, so you're a bit of a nerd, you have a Phryne Fisher novel, so you're probably female (not to mention your Warhol-ised image), and you're reading Waleed Aly's book, so you're at least moderately intersted in social issues. Doesn't really narrow it down much.
- In addition to the nerd observation, you have an appreciation for Lenore and Monty Python.
- You've been playing with LibraryThing, BlogLines and RollYO within the space of the last month, so I'm guessing that you work in a public library, and have been participating in the Learning 2.0 program.

Do I get another hint? Or have we not actually met?